Instructor Information

Please note: Paychecks are mailed to the address submitted on the W9 form. If you have an alternative
mailing address GVR needs to be aware of please submit these to the course supervisor as soon as possible.

Course Information

A supply list is handed out to students upon registration if there are items a student needs to purchase or
bring to class with them by the first class.
The course fee refers to what you are charging and what the student is paying for the course.
A material fee may be required if you will be supplying materials for the course and you require
reimbursement. This is payable directly to you.
The course description is what will be placed in course publications. The course description essentially
communicates to prospective students what they can expect from the course. It is a summary of what you
are offering. Please limit descriptions to less than 80 words. Any descriptions that go beyond 80 will be
edited due to space limitations.
If you have taught this course before with GVR, and the description will not be changing, feel free to write
SAME in the space provided.

Schedule Requests

Your course will be scheduled based on facility availability. By submitting alternate dates and times GVR
can find the best facility to meet your needs. Please list all of the options you are available for.
The type of facility or set-up that is required is based on what type of course it is. If it is an art course, you
may need a sink. If your course is in lecture format, then you may request a white board or overhead
projector. Please communicate all of your needs so that we can look into accommodating your request. Last
minute requests cannot be guaranteed due to equipment availability and/or custodial support (each
satellite center has a TV and a DVD for your use). If you need an LCD projector please list it in your
proposal. We have limited rooms with ceiling mounted LCD projectors.
If there is no space available at a major social center there may be space available at a satellite center.
These centers do not have full time custodians but arrangements will be made for your set-up (ex., tables,
chairs, etc.) If you are scheduled at a satellite center you will be given a form to fill out to diagram your
preferred set up. It is strongly advised that you visit the center where your class will be held to determine
the set up. The satellite centers include: Madera Vista, Casa Paloma I and II, Abrego North, Abrego South,
and Continental Vistas.
If you already have a room or center in mind, please request that room and center.